This is an online E log book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.


 A 29 year old male who is a lecturer by occupation came with c/o burniing sensation in the upper quadrants of abdomen since 10 months.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 months back,then developed burning sensation in the upper quadrant of the abdomen associated with nausea with heartburn. c\o burning micturation in the month of june which  resolved on medication [complains of having intermittent burning micturition since then]not associated with fever.c\o increased frequency of stools{3-4 times a week,not associated with blood,mucus,foul smelling stools,pain abdomen. c\o small volume and feeling of incomplete defecation present and intermittent constipation present ,no tenesmus.frequency of stools increased when patinet taked egg white and chicken; had h\o streak blood.

Stool in the month of june for which he took homeopathy medication for 5 days and got subsided; no emotional exertion present. normal appetite ,no h\o haemorrhoids  and fissures. in the month of july he took "probiotics" for a month. used tab.metrogyl and tab.pantop in the past. c\o weakness and tingling sensation of all 4 limbs. nct studies were done and came out to be normal. h\o jaundice in the year 2006.
k\c\o lactose intolerance since birth. h\o colonoscopy and endoscopy done in the past came out to be normal. h\o disturbed sleep for which he intermittently took escitalopram [10mg] and clonazepam [0.5mg]. h\o weight loss present since june . in 2017, his stool examination showed giardia cyst for which medication was taken.

Personal history;

Tutor by occupation,normal appetite,mixed diet,irreguar bowel movements,burning Micturition  present,no known allergies,no addictions.

General examination;

Patient is concious,coherent,cooperative

moderately build and nourished

no pallor,icterus,cynosis,clubbing,lymphadenopathy,oedema.







systemic examination:

cvs:s1s2 sounds heard,no murmurs present.

rs:bae+,no added sounds

p\a: soft,non tender

cns: intact

reffered to gastroenterology:

advised:anti-gliardin ab,ltg ab[ tissue transglutamine],ct enteroclysis/enterography

reffered to pshchiatry:diagnosis-1]mild depression.2]hypochondriasis

psychiatry referral taken :

           hopi: patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years ago when he experienced gastric problem in the form of belching during his 12th standard exam which reduced after he was done with exams.

from 2009 - 2012 he did his ba from a college in calcutta where due to routine night outs he frequently had gastric

trouble and also due to consumption of hostel food so he changed from hostel to another mess and his gastric

bloating and belching decreased after that he went back to his home town in bengal and his m.a. long distance during

this time their was his altercation betwen his parents stresser +

in 2015 he did b.d. and he even got a contract job as lecturer as a part time lecturer and earned 15,000 during this time

he liked a girl and wished to marry her but as he didnt have a govt job the girl left him

they had a break up in 2017 after that his mood would be low didnt not search for any job would say at home couldnt

concentrate on his preparation on competetitive exams sleep and appetite also disturbed

but he over came the phase by himself and never visited a pyschiatrist

in 2017 he got a job in a bank Job the timing were long he quit it after 2 and half months

in 2019 during this period , one of his school friend got a job in a bank so he decreased interaction with him during

this time he again experienced belching bloating which would subside after taking few meidication or after eno

the frequency  was for 3-4 times a week which lasted for an hour

and was mostly experienced during lunch time

in 2018 he visited asian institute of gastro hyd along with his mother as he was experiencing belching loose stools and

bloating and 1 episode of green stools

colonoscopy ands endoscopy were done reported to be normal 

he was given medication which he used for few days and stopped

in 2019 he wanted to appear for competitive exams which would help him to secure a government job but the exam got cancelled he was taking tution for appox 80 students working as lic agent and earned a salary of 50000

in 2020 feb he came across his ex -girl friend photo in the profile of his common friend and came to know that she got married again he thought he  was rejected by her as he didnt got a govt job and he started feeling low again

in march due to lock down he stopped taking tutions lic company was closed he was recording his classes online and sendng it to students

April 2020

the belching increased which was accompanied by epigastric pain burning sensation in stomach and constipation

it was for 6 times a week

and also sob he took treatment from a general doctor was even referred to ent surgeon took treatment for 15 days and

stopped it

may 2020

he got to know that one of his friends uncle expired due to gastric cancer since then he thinks that he might also have

some progressive disorder (cancer) the same gastric symptoms persisted


patient had pain in left lumbar region occasionally which spread to entire body and it remained for 30 mins to 1 hour

and subsided on its own for this he consulted a physician

he had disturbed sleep

epigastric pain belching ocassional sweating palpatations dry month 
only once he felt scared impending doom present

he was scared to stay alone at home during this time

last attack was 3 months back

july 2020

for the above symptoms he consulted a physcian and was diagnosed with ibs

he was put on medications for 15 days

there was 30% improvement

mean while he cosulted another physician online

he was prescribed tab.zolfresh 5mg for sleep disrturbance which he used occasionally as there was not much reduction

of symptoms he went to another doctor he changed medication who even referred to pyschiatrist and 

gastroenterologist there was 50% improvemnt in symptoms the burning sensation would occur once a day and subside in 30

mins he even experienced burning micturtion and burning near anal region after defecation

aug 2020

he went to gastroenterologist and took treatment and reported 70% -80% improvement burning and bloating sensation decreased

he even experienced burning in limbs due to which nerve conduction was done and the was normal

after 1 month as he didnt get the appointment from previous doc tor he went to another doctor but there was not much improvement

so he went back to first one

he was asked to get endoscopy and duodenal biopsy done but he didnot do.

oct 2020

he consulted a pyschiatrist again and was put on tab. nexito5mg and t.meltonan 2.5mg which he took for 15 days and stopped during the course of treatment which the above symptoms his sleep was reported to be normal he was taking gastro medications when he came to kims narketpally

sleep- disturbed appetite low

no history of any substance use

head injury seizures self talking self smiling grandiosity suspiciousness

repitative thoughts 

no history of hypertension , diabetes , thyroid no hospital admissions in past was jovial as child would respect

parents inter persoanl relations maintained.


* CBP:

HB-13.3 G%

TC-6,800 /mm3






MCV-82.4 MM3






COLOUR : Yellow






*FBS: 82 mg/dl


T3- 2.21

T4- 15.93

TSH- 0.71

*SEROLOGY_ HIV , HCV , HBsAg- Negative

*Stool for occult blood- Negative 

*Ultrasound Abdomen : No sonological abnormality detected










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